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2022Expected update frequency
Every yearLast updated on
09/29/2022Next update expected on
09/29/2023Locations available for download
Delaware, County, City, Zip Code, State Senate District, State House District, Census Tract, Neighborhood, Census Block GroupDescription
Delaware hospital discharge (HD) data are based on the UB04 form of inpatient hospitalizations (not outpatient, clinic, or emergency department visits). The HD data are collected from all hospital systems in Delaware. Hospital discharges are expressed as number of discharges (single patients with multiple hospitalizations can be counted more than once) and refer to any discharge from a non-federal, short-stay, acute-care hospital in Delaware.Rationale
Hospital discharge records are a way to track disease incidence and trends over time.Citation
Delaware Health and Social Services. 2015-2022. Hospital Discharge Data.Data Download (.csv)
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