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COVID-19 Overview

Data are current as of 6/29/2024

Most recent dashboard update: 7/3/2024


What is COVID-19?

COVID-19, short for Coronavirus Disease - 2019, is a sickness caused by a virus called coronavirus. It spreads from person to person when someone with the virus coughs, sneezes, or talks, and their tiny droplets get into the air and are breathed in by others.

The best way to protect yourself is to get an updated COVID-19 vaccine. Everyone 6 months and older is eligible for vaccination. Learn more by visiting

COVID-19 Vaccination Success Story

Data Stories

COVID-19 Vaccination Success Story

Explore COVID-19 Vaccinations in the Hispanic Community

Read the data story

Investigate Map

Map of Delaware showing COVID-19 cases (as rates per 100,000 people) and vaccinations (shown as percentages).

Key Indicators

Sussex County

New COVID-19 Cases

Last Week (6/23/2024 - 6/29/2024)

Sussex County

Percentage Vaccinated with an Updated 2023-2024 Dose

In order to protect privacy small values are not reported
Sussex County

Average Daily COVID-19 Hospital Admissions

In order to protect privacy small values are not reported
Sussex County

COVID-19 Deaths this Season

(Oct 2023 - June 2024)


New Cases by County (Fall and Winter Virus Season 2023-2024)

New COVID-19 Cases (Age-adjusted Rate) by Week in Sussex County

Age-adjusted rate per 100,000 people

Data Sources

COVID-19 Cases and Deaths

Citation: Delaware Department of Health and Social Services.

Sections in the COVID-19 dashboard